Thin Noodles

Whether it's angel hair pasta, Chinese egg noodles, or Chinese vermicelli, super skinny noodles are perfect for soups or served with light sauces. We love to toss天使头发面食与红辣椒香蒜酱, use it in anItalian-style ramen并炒成鸡肉炒面.Vermicelli rice noodlesare delicious with Asian dishes as a side salad—we like to toss the cooked noodles with garlic, Thai chiles, fish sauce, fresh herbs and lime juice to create a refreshing accompaniment for barbecued pork. Find these recipes and more in F&W's guide to thin noodles.

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Spaghettoni with Butter and Brewer's Yeast
意大利厨师里卡多·卡马尼尼(Ricardo Camanini)在这种令人难以置信的美味意大利面ton顿食谱上赢得了屡获殊荣的声誉,上面含有黄油和令人惊讶的成分:酿酒师的酵母。这道菜具有如此简单,甜美的,感谢酿酒师的酵母 - 富有鲜味,鲜味的吸引力,传奇的法国厨师阿兰·杜卡斯(Alain Ducasse)宣布这是有史以来最好的菜。在Lido 84,他在意大利北部加尔达湖上的餐厅,Camanini烤箱烤新鲜的酵母蛋糕几个小时,但商店购买的粉末版本也奏效。在烹饪结束时,不断用黄油扔掉意大利面条,这会使酱汁涂抹。您需要此食谱的无效酿酒师的酵母。Twinlab的版本具有美味,时髦,鲜味的味道。
Creamy Spaghetti Carbonara with Peas and Ham
这种现代的意大利面食菜肴依赖于火腿而不是传统的煎饼来散发出烟熏味和丰富性。就像烹饪煎蛋卷早餐一样,掌握一个完美的甜美的Carbonara取决于正确处理鸡蛋。几个简单的步骤将确保成功。首先,请确保将煮熟的意大利面倒在热量上,以便鸡蛋恢复热量后会均匀地煮熟。其次,由于酱汁在离开煎锅后将继续煮熟,因此比您认为应该更早地将Carbonara从热量上拉出一点,因此它会打到桌子酱和奶油。有关的: 更多面食Carbonara食谱
Gluten-Free Spaghetti and Meatballs
就像任何喜欢为他人做饭的人一样,我总是希望我的桌子感到包容性 - 每个人都快乐,安全的地方。这意味着不仅会让人们感到受欢迎,而且要尊重,从不抱怨,任何饮食问题或问题。这可能意味着要搅拌免费的酒精饮料或制作菜单上的菜肴的素食版本。不过,我经常发现自己在玩无麸质菜肴。那是因为几年前,我父亲(阿拉巴马州伯明翰)住在同一个城镇(阿拉巴马州伯明翰)。我很幸运,我们最终进入同一城市,我喜欢我的孩子可以与祖父母建立亲密关系。我经常会做自然无麸质的餐(烤鱼或肉,蔬菜),但是我绝对会从寻找一种典型的基于小麦的菜肴的方法来兴奋不已,这会给我的父亲一个taste of something he thought he’d never enjoy again. I don’t mean a sad substitute for the classic (sorry, cauliflower-crust pizza!) but something that truly scratches the itch.That’s where Gluten-Free Spaghetti and Meatballs comes into play. I’ve known that the gluten-free pasta options have gotten much better in the last few years, and that Dad’s favorite is the kind made from corn and rice. I swear, most people can’t tell the difference between it and traditional pasta. So I’ve had Mom and Dad over for pasta with classic ragù or Bolognese. But I wanted to play around with meatballs, and I remembered a secret ingredient that I thought might work well: instant potato flakes.That’s right—dehydrated flaked potatoes. For me, they’re a far more versatile pantry item than any packaged gluten-free breadcrumbs. I try to keep them on hand not for making instant mashed potatoes—I just don’t like them—but instead for thickening soups, breading fish or chicken (foodandwine.com注意到这一点years ago), or making my deviled egg filling a little heftier. I figured they might work well in meatballs, and I was right. They bind ground meat particularly well and add a savory richness unlike typical breadcrumbs. In fact, these have now become my “house” meatballs; I like to make a double batch and freeze some for use later on pizza (my favorite), in grain bowls, or in soups. It’s a win-win: Everyone in my family can enjoy a comforting, family-friendly classic.
意大利面条带有cacio e pepe黄油
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Cacio e pepe is a Roman pasta dish prized for its simplicity. Our Mad Genius culinary director, Justin Chapple, one-ups the original with a black pepper and Pecorino Romano compound butter. Just boil the pasta, grate the chilled butter over the top, and dinner is done.幻灯片: 更多的意大利细面条Recipes
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When she was 19, Gail Simmons traveled through New Zealand and quickly became obsessed with a local specialty that appeared at practically every roadside diner: spaghetti sandwiches. Part oozy grilled cheese, part tangy, tomato-sauced noodles, this mash-up was the inspiration for one of the顶级厨师judge’s greatest culinary triumphs, spaghetti pie. She’s prepared multiple flavor variations, and it always makes her guests extremely happy. This version, perfect for fall gatherings, incorporates plenty of wild mushrooms, spinach and herbs (plus a spoonful of chopped oil-packed black truffles, if she’s feeling decadent). Bonus: If you don’t finish it all in one sitting, leftovers make possibly the best next-day treat of all time.幻灯片: 更多的意大利细面条Recipes
意大利细面条with Squash Blossom Butter and Summer Beans
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2005 F&W Best New Chef Lachlan Mackinnon-Patterson adds a generous amount of crisp green and wax beans to this light summer pasta for crunch and body, so the dish uses fewer noodles.幻灯片: 更多的意大利细面条Recipes


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在Josephine Estelle in New Orleans, chefs Andy Ticer and Michael Hudman serve this sublime, buttery crab pasta with homemade tajarin, a ribbon-type noodle. Thin spaghetti works nicely, too.幻灯片: 更多的意大利细面条Recipes
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在Carbonara的巧妙戏剧中,vwin德赢ac米兰食品和美酒vwin德赢ac米兰’s Justin Chapple uses smoked Gouda cheese, adding a deliciously smoky flavor to this silky, hearty and totally delicious pasta.幻灯片: 更多的意大利细面条Recipes


这张来自洛杉矶Sqirl的长期厨师Paul Everett的简单意大利面可从大蒜的西兰花和脆皮烤的西兰花叶子中获得极大的风味。在餐厅,他们经常用gnocchi制作这道菜,但是您可以使用自己喜欢的任何意大利面。幻灯片:更多的意大利细面条Recipes