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2 hrs 55 mins




  • Preheat oven to 350°F. Brush cut sides of squash halves evenly with oil. Arrange squash halves, cut sides down, on a large rimmed baking sheet lined with parchment paper. Roast in preheated oven until tender when pierced with a paring knife, 40 to 45 minutes. Remove from oven. Flip squash halves over; let cool 30 minutes.

  • 同时,食物加工机中的处理饼干,直到形成细面包屑,约15秒。vwin德赢ac米兰转移到一个中等大小的碗中。在食品加工机中加工奶酪片,直到形成小碎片,约25秒vwin德赢ac米兰。在碗中加入饼干碎屑;搁置。

  • Using a spoon, scrape flesh from cooled squash into a medium bowl; discard skins. Working in batches, spoon squash flesh into a fine wire-mesh strainer set over a sink. Using a rubber spatula, gently press squash to remove as much liquid as possible. Return squash to bowl; mash and stir until smooth. Stir in cookie mixture, salt, and nutmeg. Store in an airtight container in refrigerator until ready to use, up to 3 days.

Make the pasta dough
  • 在干净的工作表面上堆放面粉,并在中心井。将鸡蛋添加到井中,并用叉子轻轻打败它们;慢慢将面粉掺入鸡蛋中,直到形成面糊。使用板凳刮刀,将剩余的面粉刮入面糊中。继续使用板凳刮刀将面粉切成面糊,直到形成蓬松的质量。用手将毛茸茸的面团一起放在一起。揉到意大利面面团光滑,并在按下10至15分钟时反弹。包裹塑料包裹;让室温休息1小时。

  • 第2行带有羊皮纸的大型带烤盘。拆开面面团,均匀分成8(1/4磅)的部分。

  • 将1个面团部分放在面粉淡淡的工作表面上;用保鲜膜覆盖剩余的面团部分。在工作表面上将面团部分滚动成椭圆形,直到面团稀薄以透过(约1/16英寸厚)。使用凹槽的糕点切割器,将面团板切成6(4 1/2- x 3英寸)矩形。

  • Spoon a scant 1 tablespoon butternut squash filling on middle of each rectangle. Working with 1 dough rectangle at a time, place rectangle on work surface with long edge facing you. Fold dough in half diagonally over filling to form a triangle. Gently press out all of the air around filling. Bring together the 2 opposite corners of the triangle so they meet; press points to seal together, making a traditional tortelli shape. Place shaped tortelli in a single layer on prepared baking sheets. (Keep tortelli covered with a clean kitchen towel as you make them.) Repeat with remaining dough and filling to yield 48 assembled tortelli.

  • Bring a large pot of generously salted water to a boil over high. Add half of the assembled tortelli to boiling water, and gently stir once. Return to a gentle boil over high; cook, stirring occasionally, until tortelli are al dente, 8 to 10 minutes. Using a slotted spoon or a spider, remove tortelli from water, and hold over pot a few seconds to drain as much water as possible. Transfer drained tortelli to a large plate. Repeat cooking process with remaining tortelli, transferring the second batch to a large serving platter. If desired, return first batch of cooked tortelli to boiling water, and cook 1 minute to reheat; drain and transfer to a second large platter.

  • Tortelli Cook时,将1/4杯水加到一个小锅中;高高地煮沸。将热量降低到低;逐渐加入黄油块,然后搅拌直至混合物被乳化并变稠(不要让酱汁煮沸)。从火上移开;搅拌盐。

  • 撒在tortelli上均匀地淋上黄油酱;撒上切碎的奶酪,并装饰着鼠尾草。


After resting, dough may be stored in refrigerator up to 1 day. Let come to room temperature before rolling. To freeze shaped, uncooked tortelli, place in an even layer on a parchment paper–lined baking sheet. Freeze until solid, about 30 minutes. Transfer to ziplock plastic freezer bags, and freeze up to 1 month.
