这款来自Angie Mar的令人惊叹的菜非常适合晚宴或任何特殊场合,这是一个值得您花时间的项目。螃蟹和扇贝呈现出微妙的甜味,雪利酒酱带来了坚果和亮度。杏仁面粉是必不可少的,因为它可以将馅料固定在一起并赋予其质地。


学分:Caitlin Bensel / Chelsea Zimmervwin德赢ac米兰 / Audrey Davis的Prop Styleling摄影






  • 上轻轻地磨碎的表面,纸张的puff pastry to 1/4-inch thickness. Using a ruler, pencil, and paper, trace a 4 1/2-inch round and a 6 1/4-inch round—cut out and use as guides for cutting pastry. You'll need 4 (4 1/2-inch) pastry rounds and 4 (6 1/4-inch) pastry rounds. Place pastry rounds on a parchment-lined baking sheet and refrigerate while you make the filling.

  • 用电动搅拌机在一个中等大小的碗中搅拌黄油,糖和盐,直到尺寸加倍,约3分钟。将黄油混合物转移到食品加工机上,并加入蛋黄,扇贝,浓奶油,vwin德赢ac米兰香草种子和白胡椒粉;混合直至光滑,大约2分钟刮下两次碗。加入杏仁粉和通用面粉,并混合直至光滑,将碗刮下两次,约1分钟。转移到中等大小的碗中,并在蟹肉中非常轻轻地折叠。尽量不要打破螃蟹 - 目标是将壮丽的螃蟹束缚在一起。

  • 一旦螃蟹合并,将混合物分成四个松散的球,然后冷藏,直到混合物将浓汤成稍加,约30分钟。

  • 将烤箱预热至350°F。将4 1/2英寸糕点圆圈中的所有四个放在羊皮纸的单个正方形上,比糕点本身大约1英寸。用叉子轻轻地刺,以防止糕点不均匀地升起。迅速工作,以免融化勇敢的人,将球(每球约1杯勇敢的球)变成均匀且使球齐平,将球放在糕点中间,留下1/3英寸的边框。用叉子的宽面评分糕点的边界,并用鸡蛋洗净。

  • Lay the larger, 6 1/4-inch pastry round over top of the frangipane, gently smoothing out any lumps and bumps. Line up the rim of the top layer of pastry with the bottom layer, and lightly prick the top layer of the rim with a fork to ensure the edge will rise evenly. Gently press to seal the top layer and the bottom layer all around. Repeat with the remaining pithiviers.

  • Brush the pithiviers with the beaten egg, making sure to seal the sides where the pastry rounds meet. At this point, run your fingers around the side of the pastry once it's egg washed to even out where the edges meet, and help to seal the edges. Working from the center of the pastry out, lightly score the top and sides of the pastry with the edge of a spoon held at a 45-degree angle to create a pinwheel pattern.

  • 让pithiviers在室温下休息,直到第一个鸡蛋洗涤有点俗气,大约15分钟,然后再刷一次。让他们再休息10分钟,让第二层洗鸡蛋清洗,然后放在衬有羊皮纸的烤盘上,然后放在烤箱中。烘烤直至金黄色,在烘焙过程中旋转一两次烤盘,35至45分钟。

  • Dry roast the crab or shrimp shells in a medium saucepan over medium-high heat until blistered and golden brown, 6 to 8 minutes. Deglaze with the brandy. Add the veal stock and bring to a boil. Reduce heat to medium-low, and simmer until liquid is reduced by two thirds, about 33 minutes (should have 1 1/3 cups liquid). Strain through a fine-mesh sieve into a medium saucepan, pressing the shells to extract as much liquid as possible. Discard shells. Set the saucepan with the sauce base aside until the pithiviers are ready to serve.

  • Once the pithiviers come out of the oven, we can finish our sauce. Bring the sauce base to a boil over high heat. Add the sherry and reduce until it lightly coats the back of a spoon, about 12 minutes. Season with salt, to taste. Remove from heat and add the butter and swirl to incorporate, adding gloss and thickness. Plate each pithivier and surround generously with the sauce. Serve immediately.
