每年在新奥尔良,国王Caking的游戏开始越来越像一项全面运动。当地商店创建和服务(and ship!)这些蛋糕每年从第十二夜到狂欢节(Mardi Gras Day)(是的,在这里季节外食用国王蛋糕绝对是亵渎的)。在新奥尔良(及以后)的最后三百年中,狂欢节的传统部分更像鞋垫比我们知道的“蛋糕”。酵母饲养的面团是编织的,有时是各种馅料周围,形成戒指并烘烤。之后,它加上绿色,紫色和金糖,分别代表信仰,正义和权力,对“三位国王”致敬。某种象征,无论是豆类还是塑料婴儿,都会随机塞在里面,传统指出,与代币一起获得国王蛋糕的任何人都必须举办下一个派对!关于新奥尔良国王蛋糕的想法,感觉,观点和偏好与国王蛋糕本身一样多。我对面团采取了一种非常传统的方法,但是我和我的团队梦想着添加一层焦糖糖的想法,使我们的蛋糕变得有趣,打碎了。借助奶油芝士糖衣,我发现自己全年都渴望这个蛋糕。


Credit: Oriana Koren

Recipe Summary test



Cinnamon Filling
Cream Cheese Icing


Make the dough
  • 在一个大碗中,将面包粉和全能面粉与酵母搅拌在一起。在立式搅拌机或使用手持式搅拌机的大碗中,将鸡蛋搅拌直至光滑。切换到面团钩或大木勺,然后加入牛奶,猪油和面粉混合物。低速混合,直到面团开始形成3至4分钟。停止搅拌机,并用橡胶刮刀刮下碗的侧面。将混合器保持在低速时,加入糖和盐,然后将速度提高到中等,然后混合3分钟。将速度降低至低,然后一次加入黄油,直至完全合并。将速度提高到中高,然后将面团搅拌5至7分钟,直到黄油完全掺入,面团变得丝般柔滑。

  • 用烹饪喷雾剂涂一张大烤盘。Transfer the dough to the baking sheet and press it with the heel of your hand to about 3⁄4 inch thick and as close to a 6 by 10-inch rectangle as possible (it’s fine if it’s a little wider or longer; you will trim it later). Cover the baking sheet in plastic wrap and refrigerate overnight (about 12 hours). The dough can also be frozen if you don’t plan to use it the next day, but it will need to thaw overnight in the refrigerator when you’re ready for it.

Make the cinnamon filling
  • 在装有桨叶附件或使用手持式搅拌机的大碗中的立式搅拌机的碗中,将砂糖,红糖,肉桂,黄油,盐和香草混合,直到形成均匀的糊状物,约2分钟。填充物可以立即使用,也可以存储在冰箱中的密封容器中长达3天,并在使用前将其带到室温。

  • Lightly coat a 10-inch-round cake pan with 2-inch-high sides with cooking spray. Cut the cold dough into two 3-by-5-inch strips. Using a lightly floured rolling pin, roll each piece evenly, maintaining a rectangular shape, until each piece is approximately 6 by 12 inches. Using an offset spatula, spread half of the cinnamon filling into a thin, almost transparent layer on one of the strips of dough, making sure to leave a 1-inch border on all but the long bottom edge. Using a pastry brush, brush the border with water along the upper lip of the dough until slightly wet; this will act as a sealant later. Starting at the bottom edge, roll up the dough like a cinnamon roll. (You want the edge you left bare to end up at the outside of the roll.) Once rolled, lightly press down to evenly seal the dough; the water will help to fully seal. Using your hands, continue to roll the log to double the length, about 22 inches. Make sure to keep the width of the log consistent. Follow the same process for the second strip of dough.

  • 将两个面团原木扭转在一起,一个螺旋形。一旦完全扭曲,将末端连接在一起以形成环形;如果需要,捏密封。将面团放在准备好的锅中,并用保鲜膜松散地盖住。让面团在室温下(理想情况下约75°F)约2小时,直到将其升至其原始尺寸的1 1⁄2倍,并在按下后略微弹簧。(如果根本没有弹回,它已经过度固定,应该被丢弃。)

  • Preheat the oven to 350°F. Line a baking sheet with parchment paper and set a wire rack on the pan. Before baking, spritz the dough with water (or lightly sprinkle water over the dough with your hands) to help keep the crust from hardening. Bake for 30 to 35 minutes, rotating the pan after 15 minutes, until golden brown. Let cool in the pan for 5 minutes, then carefully remove the king cake from the pan and transfer it to the wire rack on the baking sheet. Let cool completely, about 1 hour.

  • 在一个小的非反应性锅中,将糖,玉米糖浆和水混合在一起,并用高火煮沸,确保糖完全溶解。(请勿搅拌混合物 - 固定会导致糖结晶。)继续烹饪,直到混合物变成中等琥珀色,为6至7分钟。从热量上取出,将焦糖放在蛋糕上,从而在整个蛋糕上形成薄薄的涂层。允许紧缩设置15至20分钟。

  • In the bowl of a stand mixer fitted with the paddle attachment or in a large bowl using a handheld mixer, mix the cream cheese on medium speed until very smooth. Decrease the speed to low and add the powdered sugar in three portions, mixing well after each addition, until a smooth paste forms. Stop the mixer and scrape down the sides of the bowl. With the mixer on low speed, slowly stream in the milk and mix until the icing is well combined and smooth. Mix in the vanilla bean paste. This icing can be stored in an airtight container in the refrigerator for up to 4 days. Bring to room temperature before using.

  • While the cake is still on the wire rack, drizzle the icing over the cake. I like to use a 1-ounce ice cream scoop (about 2 tablespoons) to drop a bit of icing over the higher ridges on the top of the cake, and then I pour the icing as I move away from the cake, so it kind of waterfalls down the sides. (I think it looks pretty awesome this way.) If you’re sticking true to Mardi Gras tradition, sprinkle the sanding sugar over the top and allow the cake to sit for at least 30 minutes before transferring it to a serving plate. You can keep the king cake in an airtight container at room temperature for up to 3 days, but it truly is best on the day it is made.


经许可转载南部烘焙的好书凯特·菲尔德斯(Kelly Fields)与凯特·亨丁斯(Kate Heddings),版权(c)2020。
