  • 5星值:3
  • 4星值:1
  • 3星值:1
  • 2星值:0
  • 1星值:1

杜丰满和温柔mplings symbolize longevity and wealth. As part of her Lunar New Year spread,Lucky Chowproducer Danielle Chang fills hers with a fragrant and flavorful blend of garlic, ginger, scallions, and Chinese chives bound with tender ground pork. Store-bought wonton wrappers may be substituted for freshly made dough. Gently steaming the dumplings in bamboo baskets lined with cabbage leaves helps them keep their pleated shape without tearing and renders the filling juicy and the wrappers supple. For an extra dash of color and heat, drizzle them with with hot chile oil and sprinkle them with with pungent Chinese chives before serving them with dipping sauce.





8 to 10


Additional Ingredient


Make the wrappers
  • 将面粉和盐搅拌在一个大的防暖碗中。在用叉子或筷子不断搅拌的同时,将沸水倒入面粉混合物中,直到面团蓬松。在碗中揉捏面粉吸收所有水,大约2分钟。继续揉捏直到光滑,约3分钟。将球形成球,并用湿布盖住。在室温下至少1小时或最多2小时休息。

  • 在食品加工机中切碎的白菜切碎,直到切碎,4至6脉冲。vwin德赢ac米兰将白菜转移到干净的厨房毛巾上,然后牢固地挤在水槽上以除去多余的液体。将白菜转移到一个中等大小的碗中;搅拌猪肉,葱,细香葱,酱油,大蒜,姜和芝麻油,直至充分混合。寒冷,覆盖,直到准备使用。

  • Lightly dust 2 baking sheets with cornstarch; set aside. Divide wrapper dough evenly into 4 portions. Place 1 dough portion on a clean work surface; cover remaining portions with a damp cloth. Knead dough portion until smooth, about 15 seconds, if needed. Roll dough portion into a 10-inch-long rope (about 3/4 inch thick). Cut rope crosswise into 10 (1-inch-long) pieces (about 1/4 ounce each). Cover dough pieces with a damp paper towel. Working with 1 dough piece at a time, roll into a ball with your hands. Place rolled dough ball on work surface, and, using the bottom of a measuring cup, push down to flatten into a circle. Lightly dust both sides of dough circle with flour; using a dowel rolling pin, roll into a 3 1/2-inch circle. (If desired, you can trim using a 3 1/2-inch cookie cutter.) Repeat process with remaining 9 dough pieces, stacking and covering wrappers.

  • Working with 1 dumpling wrapper at a time, spoon 2 teaspoons filling into center of wrapper, and spread slightly. Holding the wrapper flat in your hand, lightly wet edges of wrapper with water using your fingertip; fold in half to form a half-moon, pressing out the air as you seal the dumpling. Cradling the dumpling in one hand, use the thumb and index finger of your opposite hand to fold and pinch the sealed edge, forming pleats along the length of the dumpling. Transfer sealed dumpling to prepared baking sheet; cover with a slightly damp paper towel. Repeat process with remaining dough and filling to yield 40 dumplings.

  • 为竹蒸锅准备一个宽锅或炒锅,并加入1英寸的水。将高高煮沸,确保水不会碰到蒸锅的底部。2个可堆叠的竹蒸锅篮,带有卷心菜叶子的底部。在每个蒸锅篮中的单层中安排10个饺子。堆叠和盖上蒸笼,然后放入准备好的锅中。将热量降低至中高,并蒸饺子,直到包装器光滑且稍微半透明,5至10分钟。在剩余的20个饺子中重复蒸过程。

While dumplings steam, make the dipping sauce
  • Stir together soy sauce, vinegar, scallions, black pepper, and sesame seeds in a small bowl. Serve dumplings hot with sauce, garnished with Chinese chives and, if desired, chile oil.


填充may be stored in an airtight container in refrigerator up to 1 day.
