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消除任何干燥bi的机会rd with this salt-crusted turkey breast. Salt-roasting is a technique that is often employed to keep lean fish moist while roasting; the mixture of salt and egg whites forms a nearly airtight crust when baked, locking in moisture and flavor. It works the same magic with turkey. Whereas traditional methods for roasting turkey tend to yield dry white meat, salt-roasting delivers an incredibly juicy breast that's perfectly seasoned to the bone, with no brining required. Use kosher salt to ensure maximum coverage at a reasonable cost. While a 10- to 15-minute rest is ideal, the turkey breast can rest in its crust up to 30 minutes while remaining juicy and tender.



信用:照片由Victor Protasio / Food Settinvwin德赢ac米兰g由Margaret Monroe Dickey / Prop Stex由Thom Drivering

Recipe Summary test



Ingredient Checklist


Instructions Checklist
  • 预热烤箱到400°F。将火鸡,乳房一侧下来,在工作表面上。使用家禽剪刀或锋利的刀,从尾端开始,切割骨干的每一侧。从土耳其删除骨干;股票或丢弃。转动土耳其胸部。用手的高跟鞋,牢牢地反对胸骨,直到它裂缝和土耳其乳房略微平坦。修剪颈部周围的任何过量的脂肪和皮肤,并在乳房的两侧伸出任何暴露的肋骨。

  • 从颈部开始,通过插入手指并轻轻推动皮肤和肉,从乳房松开和抬起皮肤。(不要完全拆下皮肤。)在皮肤下擦1茶匙油;在乳房上光滑的皮肤,擦拭皮肤上的1茶匙油。

  • 将盐和蛋白搅拌在一个大碗中直至合并得很好。将1/4杯水加入盐混合物,继续搅拌,加入剩余的5汤匙水,一次1汤匙,直到纹理类似于湿湿的沙子或新鲜的粉状雪。(为了测试适当的一致性,用手将盐混合物包装成小球;它应该保持其形状,但如果折叠成碗,则脱落。)

  • Place 2 cups salt mixture in a mound in a 12-inch cast-iron skillet, leaving a 2-inch border around edge of skillet. Place shallot halves, cut sides up, on salt mixture in skillet; top with 2 sprigs each parsley, thyme, rosemary, and sage. Place turkey, skin side up, on salt and herbs. Cover turkey with remaining salt mixture, pressing to adhere and making sure cavity around neck is filled and sides are covered. Insert a probe thermometer in thickest part of turkey breast; press to seal cracks or fill holes in crust, forming a tight seal around thermometer. Gently but firmly press salt mixture into turkey, smoothing surface to repair cracks or holes. (Alternatively, insert a trimmed wooden skewer into turkey before packing on salt crust; leave skewer in as turkey roasts. To check temperature, remove skewer, and insert a meat thermometer. Replace skewer, and resume roasting, if needed.)

  • Roast in preheated oven until thermometer registers 150°F, 1 hour and 20 minutes to 1 hour and 35 minutes. Remove from oven; let rest 10 to 15 minutes. (Turkey will continue to cook, reaching an internal temperature of 165°F.)

  • 使用大勺子或刀的背部,在土耳其的裂解盐外壳。拆下片质;使用糕点刷轻轻刷掉任何多余的盐。去除并丢弃皮肤。雕刻火鸡;放在服务拼盘上。装饰与剩余的草本植物枝条,如果需要,黑胡椒。用肉汁服务。 


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