冷的结合,chewy homemade soba noodleswith steaming-hot crispy duck and dashi-enriched dipping sauce is an unparalleled delight. Timing is key when making this dish—cook the soba just before you serve. Work ahead by steeping the dashi and seasoning the duck the night before or the morning of cooking. For the purest flavor, seek out hon mirin (“real mirin”), which has no added sweeteners or salt.

March 2021


Read the full recipe after the video.

Recipe Summary

8 hrs 50 mins


Ingredient Checklist


Instructions Checklist
  • Stir together 4 cups filtered water, kombu, and shiitakes in a medium bowl. Let stand at room temperature at least 8 hours or up to overnight. Remove kombu and mushrooms; discard or, if desired, reserve to make another batch of dashi.

  • 撒上盐的鸭乳房。将鸭子,皮肤朝上,放在盘子上。冷藏,发现至少8小时或直至一夜。

  • Combine soy sauce, hon mirin, and sugar in a large saucepan. Cook over medium, stirring occasionally, until mixture just begins to simmer and sugar is dissolved, 3 to 4 minutes. Stir in dashi, leek strips, and, if using, sake. Bring to a boil over medium-high. Reduce heat to medium-low; simmer, stirring occasionally, until leek is tender and mixture has reduced to about 4 cups, 20 to 25 minutes. Cover dipping sauce, and keep warm over low until ready to serve.

  • 在培养基上加热中煎锅。将鸭胸部放在煎锅中,将鸭胸部放在煎锅中;将热量降低至中低。烹饪,不受干扰,偶尔从煎锅上勺子勺子,直到脂肪呈现为10至12分钟的金色,皮肤为金黄色。翻转鸭胸;煮至最厚的温度计,最厚度为130°F,中型稀有2至4分钟。将鸭子转移到切菜板上;休息10分钟。

  • To serve, divide dipping sauce evenly among 4 bowls. Cut duck breasts crosswise into 1/4-inch-thick slices, and add to bowls. Top evenly with citrus peel and ginger strips; garnish with mitsuba, togarashi, and serrano. Serve immediately with cold soba noodles.

Make Ahead

Dashi can be stored in an airtight container in refrigerator up to 1 week; dipping sauce can be refrigerated up to 2 days.


Find hon mirin,yuzu, mitsuba, andtogarashi在日本市场或在线。

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