
September 2021


Credit: Aubrie Pick




Vanilla Bean Marshmallow Fluff


  • Prick sweet potatoes in several places with a fork. Place on a plate, and microwave on HIGH until softened, 9 to 12 minutes, flipping halfway through cook time. Alternatively, roast sweet potatoes at 375°F until tender, about 45 minutes. Let cool 10 minutes. Cut in half lengthwise. Scoop flesh into a medium bowl; discard skins. Using a fork, mash flesh until almost smooth; let cool completely, about 30 minutes. Transfer 1 1/3 cups mashed sweet potato to food processor; reserve any remaining mashed sweet potato for another use.

  • 使用刀的刀片,刮的种子nilla bean pod half into food processor; discard pod. Add brown sugar, butter, cinnamon, ground ginger, nutmeg, cardamom, and salt to food processor. Process mixture until blended and very smooth, about 30 seconds, stopping occasionally to scrape down sides of bowl. Transfer mixture to a small bowl, and stir in crystallized ginger. Cover and chill while preparing dough, at least 1 hour or up to 12 hours.

Make the Dough
  • 在小锅中加热牛奶,偶尔搅拌,直到在2至3分钟的即时阅读温度计上注册170°F。从火上移开;让冷却至110°F,10至15分钟。

  • 将面粉,糖,奶粉,酵母,盐和豆蔻搅拌均匀;加入鸡蛋和蛋黄。将碗连接到装有面团钩附件的机器上。以中低速混合直至易碎,约30秒。混合器以中低速运行,逐渐在温暖的牛奶中播放。将搅拌机速度提高到中等,然后搅拌直至干燥成分结合在一起,大约2分钟。一次加入1汤匙黄油,以中等速度跳动以在加法之间合并2至3分钟。继续以中等速度跳动,直到面团光滑,弹性和光泽约10分钟。面团会有点粘。

  • 用烹饪喷雾轻轻涂一个8英寸的方形烤盘。将面团转移到准备的锅中,然后将其压入角落以形成一个均匀的层,如果需要,请用烹饪喷雾轻轻润滑手。用烹饪喷雾轻轻喷洒的塑料包裹松散地盖住。在温暖的室温下(约80°F),直到面团的体积增加一倍,1小时至1小时30分钟。(与碗相反,在方形锅中证明面团,使面团更容易将面团滚成矩形。)

  • 将面团倒入轻微的工作表面上,然后滚入12 x 10英寸的矩形(约1/2英寸厚)。将红薯均匀地撒在面团上,沿着1个长边留一个1/2英寸的边框。从相反的一侧开始,将面团滚动果冻式风格,捏住以密封。用薄而锋利的刀或无味的牙线牙线均匀地将面团固定成6(2英寸)卷。润滑脂6(4英寸,1英寸高)的金属环加黄油,并在羊皮纸衬里的烤盘上均匀地排列环。将卷放在准备好的环中,然后轻轻按压将其弄平至约1 3/4英寸。(或者,将卷均匀排列在13- x 9英寸烤盘的黄油中,然后轻轻压平至约1 3/4英寸高。)盖上盖上,盖上用烹饪喷雾轻轻喷洒的塑料包裹。在温暖的室温下(约80°F),直到卷膨胀以完全填充环模(或者只是在13- x 9英寸的锅中互相接触),45分钟至1小时。

While rolls are proofing, make the Cinnamon Butterscotch Glaze
  • 将红糖,浓奶油,黄油,肉桂和盐混合在中等锅中。煮沸,不断地搅拌在中等上。煮沸,不断搅拌,直到混合物在2至3分钟的即时阅读温度计上注册220°F。将釉料倒入一个中等大小的碗中,然后冷却至室温,约1小时。搅拌香草。

  • During final 30 minutes of proofing, preheat oven to 350°F with rack in lower third position.

  • Uncover proofed rolls, and bake in preheated oven until rolls have risen and are golden brown, 24 to 28 minutes. Remove from oven; let buns cool in rings, 5 minutes. Using tongs, remove rings. Let buns cool completely on baking sheet (or in baking pan), about 30 minutes.

When ready to assemble, make the Vanilla Bean Marshmallow Fluff
  • Cook sugar, 1/4 cup water, corn syrup, and salt in a small saucepan over medium-high, stirring often, until sugar is dissolved and mixture registers 240°F on an instant-read thermometer, 6 to 8 minutes. When sugar mixture reaches about 230°F, beat egg whites in the very clean bowl of a stand mixer fitted with the whisk attachment on medium speed until foamy, about 30 seconds. Add cream of tartar to egg whites, and beat on medium speed until soft peaks form, 1 to 2 minutes. (The sugar mixture should reach 240°F at the same time the egg whites reach soft peaks.) When the sugar mixture reaches 240°F, with mixer running on medium speed, gradually drizzle sugar mixture into egg white mixture. With mixer running on medium speed, scrape seeds from vanilla bean pod half into mixture; discard pod. Increase mixer speed to medium-high; beat until marshmallow forms glossy, stiff peaks, and mixer bowl is warm (not hot) to the touch, about 2 minutes.

  • Stir the glaze. If baked in ring molds, dip the top third of each bun into glaze, letting excess drip back into bowl. If baked in a baking pan, spoon about 3/4 cup glaze evenly over buns. Reserve remaining glaze for another use. (Refrigerate glaze up to 3 days; drizzle leftover glaze on ice cream or apple pie.) Mound vanilla bean marshmallow fluff evenly (about 3/4 cup each) on top of buns. Using a kitchen torch, lightly toast marshmallow. Alternatively, broil buns on a broiler-safe baking sheet about 8 inches from heat source until marshmallow is lightly toasted, 1 to 3 minutes. Serve immediately.


在步骤1中,用1 1/3杯剩下的未加入的土豆泥用红薯代替地瓜。
