
Not all salads need to start with a base of greens. Some of our favorites are a mix of the best vegetables of the season. In spring, we like to char蚕豆并用大蒜,龙拓和几块奶酪扔掉它们,以制成美妙的温暖沙拉。而且,在夏天,我们做了生剃的西葫芦沙拉带有简单的调味料。如果您想将自己的蔬菜沙拉扔在一起,请通过食品和葡萄酒指南找到这些食谱,以及更多。vwin德赢ac米兰vwin德赢ac米兰

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我在澳大利亚的成长经历明确是跨文化。食物是我们遗产的管道,在悉尼的郊区长大。vwin德赢ac米兰我的妈妈是一位热情的厨师,她的三个饥饿的孩子们用她的祖国的复杂粤语口味赞叹不已。我们的味蕾习惯了大口味 - 浓郁的亚洲蔬菜,上面撒上尖锐的发酵豆凝乳,蒸的“猪肉蛋糕”,上面撒了咸黑豆,还有唱歌的热锅,唱着姜和乌美木的显着音调。有了这些有力的口味作为我们的晚餐时间,我妈妈和豌豆一起吃牛排的那一天总是会令人难忘。虽然我在十几岁的时候仍然吃了并欣赏肉,但豌豆充满活力的土墩引起了我的注意。当然,我以前曾用煎蛋和炒饭吃过豌豆,但是我从未经历过豌豆作为配菜,如此赤裸裸的。当我将它们弹出到我的嘴里时,每个豌豆都充满了草的甜味,使我激动。Soon, I would part ways with steak forever, but peas remain one of my ultimate comfort foods.While I enjoy peas all year round (you will always find a bag or two in my freezer for quick pantry meals), there’s sweet relief when the first peas of the season, in all their incarnations, appear. The arrival of green peas, snow peas, sugar snaps, and pea shoots signals promise and renewal, and the chance to reset our mind and our diet with a greener outlook.I usually kick off early summer by excessively gorging on peas. Sugar snaps and snow peas don’t even require cooking—snack on them raw or slice razor thin and add them to salads. And while it’s great to find pre-podded peas, there is something intensely gratifying in methodically tearing open a fresh pod and sliding out the pudgy, tender spheres. When purchasing fresh peas, choose pods that are bright green and plump, and on the smaller side—overlarge pods can house starchy peas. Make sure you don’t discard your pods – I recently discovered that the empty pea pods can be used to make veggie stock. The Venetian dish risi e bisi, a soupy rice with peas, is traditionally made with pod stock, which delivers an assertive pea flavor.This salad brings fresh flavors to the plate with confidence and swagger. Barely blanched peas mingle with pan-fried sugar snaps, snow peas, and another of my favorite spring ingredients, asparagus, which are cooked on high heat until just tender yet still crisp with the slightest hint of charring to add smokiness. I’ve chosen farro as the workhorse grain in this salad—its distinct chewy, nutty texture is substantial both to the bite and to the appetite. Salty, lemony, and herbaceous, the feta-mint dressing will likely become your summer stalwart, as it is also perfect served with grilled vegetables, folded through warm pasta, or slathered on crispy roasted potatoes.
Peach, Tomato, and Fried Farro Salad with Burrata
When the evening light lingers and begs me to dine al fresco, I want something light but satisfying. I want something bursting with summer produce. I want something cool and refreshing that I can enjoy with a crisp glass of wine. Yep, I want a salad. But not just any salad, and certainly not a lame salad—which, to me, is a crime during a season ripe with so many amazing possibilities.This is the salad I make on those rare and lovely unhurried nights. It features the alluring combination of juicy peaches and even juicier tomatoes that are lightly coated in just enough dressing to moisten—so that nothing overpowers the flavors of the fruit. Hunks of creamy burrata pair beautifully here, offering luxurious richness that, again, does not compete with the fruit.The fried farro sprinkle is perhaps the best part. The grains are fantastically crunchy, like tiny Corn Nuts, with an irresistible nutty-earthy flavor. They’re quick and easy to make—especially if you start with store-bought pre-cooked farro (which I typically buy from Target). These pre-cooked grains are dry to the touch, which means they’re safe and ready to plop into hot oil. If you were to cook your own farro, you’d need to air it out for a few hours to remove all surface moisture so that the hot oil won’t pop and bubble over. (Trust me; I know this from experience.)You’ll only use half of the fried grains for this salad, but it makes sense to go ahead and fry it all up while you’re at it so you’ll have leftover crunchies to play with. They hold beautifully in an airtight container at room temperature for a week or in the freezer for three to four months. Use them on any salad, over a creamy soup, on casseroles, on pasta tosses, over scrambled eggs, and even on an ice cream sundae—basically wherever you crave a little crunch.
十分钟的简单准备工作和一个小时的手提腌制时间几乎毫不费力slawthat scores big in the flavor department. Matchstickcarrots使其超级;只是倾倒,搅拌,然后去。这张色拉用简单的柠檬汁,芥末籽和盐调味,使自己有各种各样的用途 - 在烧烤三明治上尝试一下tacos, and turkey or chicken burgers—or serve it as a side dish at your next barbecue or potluck.
酸奶和烟沙拉(Mast-o Khiar)
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Mast-o khiaris a refreshing yogurt salad made with cucumbers, dill, garlic and shallots. It can be served alongside everything from Persian flatbread to meats and fish.Slideshow: 更多黄瓜沙拉食谱
16 Flavor-Packed椰菜沙拉
From a crunchy vegetable salad with ricotta crostini to a pita-chopped-vegetable salad, these are the best of Food & Wine's healthy and easy vegetable salads recipes.

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Roasted Eggplant and Cauliflower Salad with Tahini Green Goddess Dressing
烤和新鲜蔬菜的混合物,分成一道大盘,上面放着豆瓣菜,在这里进行了惊人的演讲。由酸奶,芝麻酱,凤尾鱼和草药制成的敷料是完美的顶级。Slideshow: More Eggplant Recipes

在传统的绿豆砂锅上的即兴演奏中,Food & Wine’s Justin Chapple makes a bright and punchy green bean salad with a mustard vinaigrette and tops it with crispy oven-baked Yukon Gold potato chips.Slideshow:More Salad Recipes