Hosted by Devin Ratray, who reprises his role as Buzz McCallister in独自一人甜蜜的家,Airbnb的体验将包括大量垃圾食品,Booby陷阱 - 甚至是现实生活中的狼蛛vwin德赢ac米兰
独自在家house airbnb
信用:莎拉·克劳利(Sarah Crowley)

快乐Christmas, ya filthy animals!

Some独自在家fans are about to get the chance to embark on a suburban adventure of a lifetime. Devin Ratray — a.k.a. Buzz McCallister from the original 1990 film, its 1992 sequel独自在家2: Lost in New York和最近发布的独自一人甜蜜的家- 将在芝加哥地区著名的麦卡利斯特故居(McCallister House)举办一群幸运小组。

Not only will the house be decked out in the famous film's instantly recognizableyuletide aesthetic,幸运的团队可以上班,将自己的笨蛋陷阱设置为自己,并勇敢地与一个名为Axl的现实生活中的Tarantula聚会,并受到电影中Buzz's Pet的启发。

选定为12月12日过夜的客人也将能够狂暴地狂欢凯文(Kevin)珍贵的垃圾食品,包括芝加哥风格的比萨饼和烛光“高度营养营养的微波通心粉和奶酪晚餐”,就像8岁的凯文(Kevin)一样,vwin德赢ac米兰由...演奏麦考利克金, was about to dig into before facing off against burglars Harry and Marv.

独自在家house airbnb
|信用:莎拉·克劳利(Sarah Crowley)

"It's going to be decorated exactly the way it was 31 years ago and complete with treats and tricks," Ratray, 44, reveals to PEOPLE of the stately Georgian Colonial. "There will be booby traps, but nothing dangerous. There will be, of course, delightful microwave mac & cheese and a tall glass of milk, just like Kevin tried to have for dinner until he was fatefully interrupted by the Wet Bandits."

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独自在家house airbnb
|信用:莎拉·克劳利(Sarah Crowley)


According to a release, the group chosen to partake will also be gifted aLEGO Ideas独自在家kit并允许“令人惊讶的是,刮胡子的溅出和充足的机会尖叫到镜子里”。

独自在家house airbnb
|信用:莎拉·克劳利(Sarah Crowley)

拉特里(Ratray)告诉人们,就像电影中的“千载难逢的” Airbnb体验在本月下降时,“希望它会下雪”。


独自在家house airbnb
|信用:莎拉·克劳利(Sarah Crowley)
独自在家house airbnb
|信用:莎拉·克劳利(Sarah Crowley)

And while the movie-within-a-movie天使与肮脏的灵魂(“保持改变,Ya肮脏的动物!”)不会成为体验的一部分,“您将要be able to watch独自一人甜蜜的家,“拉特雷(Ratray)的新迪斯尼+电影的笔记,他重新扮演了凯文(Kevin)的欺负少女嗡嗡声的角色。

"There really weren't too many other options that would have been believable for Buzz, except perhaps a life in politics. Perhaps a football coach," Ratray quips of his character's law-enforcement career path. "It makes perfect sense, him being a police officer."

“他绝对像您想象的那样好,30年后,Buzz McCallister担任警察,并在解决这一潜在犯罪方面做出了出色的工作house potentially being burglarized," the actor continues. "He solves it in about 5 minutes and walks away."


"You actuallyget a chance to live in it和walk through it and touch the walls," Ratray says. "You've seen the movie so many times, you've seen the Christmas tree in the front room, you've seen the staircase, people running up and down, you've seen the kitchen where Buzz lovingly barfed up all the cheese pizza. Now you get to walk through that."

"I think they cleaned up the cheese pizza I barfed up," he jokes before adding of the famous binge scene, "I actually didn't really let any of it hit the floor."

麦考利克金独自在家- 1990
Macaulay Culkin饰演Kevin McCallister独自在家(1990)
独自在家Devin Ratray
Devin Ratray (back, center) and the cast of独自在家(1990)
|Credit: Alamy

他个人最期待的是什么the Airbnb experience, Ratray tells PEOPLE, "is the fact that this is also going to a good cause."

"Airbnb is donating to charity for the拉拉比达儿童医院in Chicago, so it's also doing good for kids with chronic ailments and maladies. It's all going to a good cause," he says. "There's no downside to this."

Those wishing to stay at the Winnetka, Illinois, property and experience a night like Kevin's (sans Wet Bandits!) can request to book a $25 stay starting Dec. 7 at 2 p.m. ET,

独自一人甜蜜的家— also starringEllie Kemper,罗布·德莱尼,Aisling Bea,Kenan ThompsonArchie Yates— is streaming now on Disney+.

This story originally appeared