Finding nacho cheese at Disney World is surprisingly difficult. But, boy, is it worth it.

迪士尼世界以其丰富的放纵而闻名。土耳其的腿有这样的重量,人们暗中窃窃私语成为emu。形状如此标志性,没有人对巧克力y进行第二次审视 -不是巧克力,不,不 - 硬壳冰淇淋吧,与非易纳漫画老鼠相似。




输入:我们的故事的恶棍,pre-sealed馅饼英航stardization of the one true orange goo that came down from the heavens. This inferior dip isn't just sold throughout all four Disney theme parks — it附带每个麦克风形的椒盐脆饼都出售,这意味着您在不知道要去哪里的情况下就无法获得真正的液体奶酪


这些悲伤的预密封的塑料杯子,里面装满了“切达奶酪味的巴氏巴氏奶酪零食”,可提供粉饰的口感和可变的稠度。并非总是会在椒盐脆饼推车中对他们喜欢的质地温暖,他们会出人意料地扣篮或有时会出现thick like paste,,,,akin to Merkts cheese spread but without the richness. (For RunDisney races, wherein fans dress up in fun costumes and jog across Disney property, they're even provided in aroom temperature snack pack带一袋玉米饼。)

There are plenty of people who enjoy the pre-sealed stuff. I hear from them constantly on the phone line for my podcast, Very Amusing. I'm even dragged for it onlineby friends and colleagues。但是,可惜,他们再错了。迪士尼在零食方面表现出色 - 有配件,,,,jewelry,,,,even主题鳄鱼纪念标志性的迪士尼零食 - 但是,发现好奶酪需要工作。

It's no fluke that nacho cheese is somewhat missable on property at Disney World. These parks used to be awash in the hot dunkable goo, with Magic Kingdom eateries like the Tomorrowland space restaurant宇宙雷的星光咖啡馆and Frontierland saloon-inspiredPecos Bill Tall Tale Inn and Cafe一旦在更繁荣的时期提供了调味棒上的自助泵。Nacho奶酪不仅不再用作番茄酱的兄弟姐妹,而且已经完全从家庭中抛弃了,在任何一个曾经叫回家的位置的菜单上都不再在菜单上。

Where did it go, exactly? Fan lore leans into an unconfirmed theory that,遵循2011年诉讼wherein a child burned himself, it was removed entirely, but I've never been able to confirm it. I still find myself struggling to find it at all sometimes, often dunking french fries into children's portions of macaroni and cheese to fill the nacho cheese cup-sized void.

Thankfully, I have a partner in arms.Disney Food Blog,一个为万物主题公园食品的生动百科全书,不仅同意 - 它们也都在酱汁中,非常称呼它为“塑料奶酪”,vwin德赢ac米兰甚至提供最畅销的运动衫为了纪念它。

迪斯尼美食博客的创始人兼执行编辑AJ Wolfe说:“当我创建博客时,我称其为'塑料奶酪',因为我很确定那里没有任何真正的食物。”vwin德赢ac米兰“它温暖,咸且相对较无味,但使其伴随的所有品味的英雄品质都具有令人难以置信的rad。它可以节省您的蔬菜,聚会和您的心情。有多少事情可以做到这一点?!?

The site's "plastic cheese" news tag keeps fellow nacho obsessives like me up to date on where the superior sauce is currently located, given that it often bounces between snack carts and restaurant windows with no rhyme or reason.

如今,可以在凯西(Casey)的角落(配薯条和玉米狗掘金)可靠地发现好粘糊糊Friar's Nook(与小孩一起使用)在魔术王国,并且经常在整个动物王国的零食摊位上出售的椒盐脆饼。是的 - 迪士尼向非洲的野生动物园和亚洲自然奇观的敬意,因此将其放在扣篮方面使用可堆肥包装,,,,considering its conservation ethos and proximity to animals. Paper straws, good plastic cheese, hey, whatever works, but if you're hoping to dunk one of Mickey Mouse's pretzel ears into a cup of cheese: be sure to plan for two stops, or scour the options over at that one Disney park. With so many dunkable cult-favorite snacks, it's worth the hunt.
