

“我真的很喜欢Dark和Stormys,但是生姜啤酒需要新鲜和辣,不要过分甜。鸡尾酒景点是塞雷纳塔。Beverage director and partner Andra 'AJ' Johnson is a maven behind the bar, making amazing drinks that have garnered nationwide recognition."



Natty Wine

“My husband and I absolutely love natural wine—whether it's a bottle of Scotty-Boy! blush, Gaia Assyrtiko Wild Ferment, or something a bit more funky and obscure, we're always down to try it! Our go-to shop in D.C. is势力,一家专vwin德赢ac米兰门用于天然葡萄酒的葡萄酒店。旁注:除了绝对美味的天然葡萄酒外,似乎总是有一个很棒的起源故事,通常包括一个“疯狂的科学家”型葡萄酒商。”vwin德赢ac米兰

Best Bites

“这些天,与朋友共进晚餐是打破一件漂亮的连衣裙和醒目的钱包或一双踢脚的绝佳借口。Albi黎凡特的厨师迈克尔Rafidi的情书吗cuisine. Think fire-roasted meats and pitas, super flavorful savory spreads, and seasonal veggies. Dinner is an experience best shared, allowing you to order more plates than you should without garnering the judgmental gaze of fellow diners at the next table. (Pro tip: Don't leave without trying the labneh soft serve!)月亮拉比t is always a fun experience! From their impossibly crispy take on the Filet-O-Fish to a Hi-Chew green melon cocktail that has me absolutely hooked, not to mention their ridiculously good pho-spiced fried chicken, I'm consistently and constantly blown away."

Rad Gifts

“My go-to shop for gifts in D.C. is希尔的厨房。它不仅是一家女性拥有的小型企业,而且还提供大量的厨房工具,食谱和烹饪小针刺。店主利亚(Leah)非常有帮助,只是简单的Rad!”

Hidden Gem

果酱Doung风格is an amazing, local, Black-owned spot that serves the best, most authentic Jamaican food in D.C. Growing up in NYC, Jamaican food was a staple on the rotating roster of international meals at my fingertips, and I had no idea how much I'd miss it when I first moved to the D.C. area. But being introduced to Jam Doung was like falling into the arms of your favorite aunt after not seeing her for a while—pure comfort. My go-to dish is the oxtail plate, with rice and peas (with extra brown stew sauce on top), cabbage, mac and cheese, and sweet plantain. And don't forget the beef patty!"

Dogtown USA

“ D.C.的招牌菜,放下了半烟!这就像热狗和熏制香肠之间的混合物,比传统的热狗更香料和更粗糙的肉。尝试版本Ben's Chili Bowl,自1958年以来一直在U街上的当地家族机构!”



Cult Classic

“就早餐而言,没有什么能真正击败经典的鸡蛋盘:两个鸡蛋,培根,薯条和一些黄油吐司。我一直在修复Silver Diner。“


“最近,我一直在经常咖啡吧。It's a cute little neighborhood spot with delicious brews, great staff, and a perfect location (e.g., around the corner from my job)."

Pizza Party

“如果我渴望纽约风格的切片,Wiseguy Pizza始于华盛顿特区,但正如任何真正的纽约人所知道的那样,纽约以外的纽约披萨没有真正的纽约披萨。”




“A little-known fact about me is that I don't really have a sweet tooth. But when it comes to pastries, I absolutely love the whole-wheat croissant atSeylou Bakery。他们致力于生产绝对最佳的面包和糕点,使用他们内部铣削的有机中大西洋谷物,真是令人难以置信。”