Meat jelly is having a moment.

Maison Nico is a new pâtisserie and market in旧金山杰克逊广场,普通鸟类喜欢Pâténcroûte,赤鳖和奶油刀Feuilletée争夺一个人的注意力。然后,一切都与之相比them. The lacquered, artfully layered half-domes. The aspics. If you're not accustomed to thinking ofaspicas an object of desire, chef Nicholas Delaroque aims to change that. "Most people are familiar with pâté, but the aspic is the eye-catcher," he says. "Once people discover it, they really enjoy it."


精制的尼科的肉冻de pintade泡芙等vadouvan.
| Credit: Robyn Montes / Maison Nico

In葡萄酒食谱, aspic is showcased as a grand centerpiece that gets its shape from an elaborate jello mold. These images often make the rounds as nostalgic memes, and the dish is occasionallymocked on TikTok. Kholodetz, the Eastern European spin on aspic, is the star of aBuzzfeed视德赢尤文图斯频called "Americans Try Weird Russian Foods for the First Time." And yet, Delaroque is hardly alone in making aspic bold and beautiful again, as many newly opened restaurants around the U.S. are gearing for the dish's most glamorous comeback yet.

At Maison Nico, the elaborate aspics look nothing like the yellow jello blobs of yesteryear—one is pescetarian, containing lobster and snapper, and another stars cabbage, Guinea hen legs, and vadouvan.

Maison Nico's Aspic de Fruit de Mer Printanier。
| Credit: Robyn Montes / Maison Nico

Equally thoughtful and gourmet versions have recently emerged across the country. At the newly opened克里斯托弗在箭牌豪宅in Phoenix, AZ, guests can sample a layered lobster flan topped with seaweed-flavored aspic. In Chicago, newcomer亲爱的玛格丽特在奶油色菠菜顶部的Aspic,Breaded and Dream-Briefly ove over of just开放的芝加哥前哨站Verve Wine, plans to add an aspic special soon. (During past stints atPer SeRoister,EPP制作了一款特色的Turbot,另一个用哺乳猪。)西雅图的屠夫商店野兽和砍刀和its restaurant The Peasant, open since late 2020, offerjambon persille, a traditional ham hock terrine in aspic from Burgundy, as part of its charcuterie program, along with aspic-laden pâtés.

甚至不是新的餐馆目前正在向名单中添加Aspic。在旧金山机构SPQR, a starter of pork, salami, and mortadella terrine encased in a "gelatina" of clarified apple cider was just added to the menu. At Washington D.C's欢乐,对于母亲节及以后,期望用辣番茄番茄植物查找蟹饼。最近出现在Napa Valley的精致性建筑内,用茴香和番茄味,味道的鱼类前滴虫。.

To what do we owe this aspic renaissance? Part of the story is meat-loving chefs who, empowered by the全国范围内的Charcuterie的热潮, have been feeling emboldened to take matters to the next level. "Once I get the hooks in and get the customers' trust, they will try other weird things I'll put on the menu," says Dear Margaret's chef Ryan Brosseau. Aspic is the new shiny thing for Brosseau, who has "a reputation for charcuterie" and has experimented plenty with head cheese in the past. Deep-frying it helps, he says.

Maison Nico's Aspic de Homard en Bouillabaisse。
| Credit: Robyn Montes / Maison Nico




Hiroyuki Tanaka, the chef and owner ofZamain Philadelphia, has been serving a different version of aspic for years—nikogori, a traditional Japanese jellied fish broth. "Over the past year we have seen more interest in things like mochi and coffee jelly in general, as they have become more popular and mainstream," he says. "I think that people's growing familiarity with Japanese cuisine in general might make them more apt to try aspic."

Arguably, aspic takes Japanese, Korean, and other dessert textures increasingly beloved by the American palate并在社交媒体上疯狂地受欢迎into savory territory, and perhaps, we're finally ready. I ask aspic veteran Morales if that might be the case. "That's probably related," she says. "If you think of agar and jellies, bubble teas, overall—right now, for us as a country there's a heightened awareness to try something new being open to more different textures." Whatever the reason, aspic is here to stay, and this time, we're finally ready to take it seriously."