The cult-favorite chocolate chip cookies at Gideon’s Bakehouse are drawing more attention than the theme park's rides.

If the idea of Disney desserts has you picturing kid-friendly sundaes and chocolate-dunked Mickey bars, this Orlando bakery will change that. Now open at Disney Springs, the downtown shopping and dining district at Walt Disney World,吉迪恩的烘焙厅提供花生酱冷啤酒,需要密码的秘密蛋糕以及一半的饼干,吸引了长达数小时的等待。但是,与吉迪恩的邻居不同,这是里克·贝勒斯(Rick Bayless)的哨所,Masaharu Morimoto, andJosé Andrés其中 - 这个饼干王国以800美元的价格开始,一名雇员奇迹般地扩展到其在沃尔特迪斯尼乐园的第一个旗舰地点,所有这些都没有外部投资者。

Credit: Courtesy of Gideon's Bakehouse

作为史蒂夫·刘易斯(Steve Lewis)的创意,所有者兼“饼干深奥秩序的崇高王子” - 是的,他的实际职位名称 - 吉迪恩(Gideon)的烘焙厅(Gideon's Bakehouse)在细致的努力和纯粹的怀疑之间提供了幸福的并列。刘易斯的饼干一直在需求,自从他开始亲手赠送订单莫家的厨房nths in advance, and it's clear why. His exemplary vanilla-infused chocolate chip cookie, which is intended to mimic the flavor of actual cookie dough, took Lewis 15 years to develop, a profound creation only improved by the addition of flavors like Candied Walnut Chocolate Chip, for which toppings完全吞噬每个decade废的土墩

每个大约半磅的饼干(刘易斯都比作他的孩子”,在24小时内捕捉并具有严重的重量。一口气就完成了,您的一天结束了。不过,任何吉迪恩饼干的魔力都在里面:一个令人愉悦的柔软的中间,就像煮熟的鸡蛋蛋黄一样,每次都可以完美。这不仅是一个好的饼干;它是best cookie I've ever had in my life.

Credit: Courtesy of Gideon's Bakehouse

作为主题公园记者,我抛弃了工作,租了汽车,以远离别人的梦想假期East End Market, a hip enclave of stalls from local purveyors like血统咖啡and Gideon's only other location, a 286-square-foot shop set smack in the middle. I load up on a half-dozen—only six are allowed per person—and fly them cross-country, deep freezing them to savor for months. I once celebrated my birthday by spreading a pile of them out on the beach, brushing sand off the pistachio nuts embedded atop a toffee chocolate chip variety. Now, physically distanced from their Double Stuff Oreo-packedCookies & Cream,我燃烧了一支手动蜡烛smells like their coffee cake cookieand argue with USPS over a hand-packed shipment from a friend that got lost in the mail because, naturally, Gideon's doesn't ship nationwide—only adding to its cult appeal.


它始于有礼貌的猪 - 美食酒吧的分支乌鸦位于迪斯尼温泉(Disney Springs) - 贝甘(Began)在迪斯尼物业上携带巧克力片涂抹的dec废,每天两次到达,并经常售罄。带有类似的网站Disney Food Blog, widely heralded as the encyclopedia of theme park food, covering it extensively, it crossed over into the fan lexicon. On the day of their soft opening, Gideon's Bakehouse debuted to three-hour waits—longer than some of Disney World's most popular attractions.

Credit: Courtesy of Gideon's Bakehouse

"It's still difficult to process, but I think the most exciting thing is to see small business represented on such an international stage," said Lewis. "Gideon's is a part of the growing and creative Central Florida food scene, and to see that getting so much support is thrilling to me. I hope that our success opens the doors for other single-owner businesses like myself being represented in more diverse locations."

新的位置是由石像鬼抓住象征性的“ G”监督的,它在整个定制的维多利亚时代的装饰中都反映了品牌的异想天开,直到窗户上的蜘蛛网衬有吊灯和卡通饼干。一年的手工选择的复古文物沿扭曲的架子这是一家永恒的前哨基地,以一本用古董菜谱命名的刘易斯(Lewis)覆盖的古董食谱,并由一个有希望的年轻厨师吉迪恩(Gideon)签名。

菜单上有秘密蛋糕切片需要购买密码, dunkable frosting cups, and "hot cookie hour" at 7 p.m., it's heavenly chaos, and rather unexpectedly fits under the umbrella of The Walt Disney Company.

Credit: Courtesy of Gideon's Bakehouse

与迪士尼合作不仅有业务优势Orlando Sentinel注意到刘易斯在香草豆糊的边缘有多欢呼。通过与鼠标做生意- 但也重叠,奉献精神上令人难忘的访问。


Wholly concerned with guest experience—"my personal wealth is of minimal interest to me"—it may seem odd that a burgeoning local business is stepping up to such a national stage, but much like Disney employees greeting guests with the moniker "welcome home!", Gideon's is just that: Lewis inviting us to step foot inside his.
