If you or someone you love has allergic reactions to ingredients, it can seem daunting to go out to eat at a restaurant and communicate your concerns to staff—but it shouldn’t be.

This story is part of The New Rules of Dining Out. Read the rest这里.

我第一次说vwin德赢ac米兰食物不耐受,我的声音震动。我被诊断出患有肠道状况,我不会对您感到厌烦(从而解释了我的身体在某些食物后的笨拙感觉),几个月来,我撤退到了大部分时间的乏味的安全性vwin德赢ac米兰Paleo diet在家里。对于一个写关于食物为生的食物的人来说,这是一个很大的痛苦,因此在与我的医疗保健专业人士和行业朋友进行咨vwin德赢ac米兰询之后,我冒险出去吃饭,剧本像新闻报名人一样滚动我的眼睛。

在特色菜中,服务器溜进了死记硬背的文字,她可能会朗诵数万次,“有人有什么过敏,限制吗?”and for once I had a refrain.“嗯,”我摇晃,“我有几个……”She raised pen to pad.“对不起。”她放下双手,看着我的眼睛。“你不用道歉。这是你的老板dy. And it's my job to keep you safe."


As I've come to learn in the years since, yes, plenty of the responsibility for diners' wellbeing falls on the waitstaff, but we also have to play an active role. That starts with clear, honest, and early communication with a restaurant if there are allergies involved.

Chef and restaurateur明泰became a国家发言人为了vwin德赢ac米兰食物过敏和过敏反应网络当他的儿子被诊断出患有生命的花生过敏时,他非常熟悉通行证两边的赌注。Tsai为自己的餐厅蓝色龙写了一本“过敏圣经”,并在他的网站上提供了模板(ming.com),让其他餐馆创建自己的餐厅,但该男子也喜欢与家人一起用餐,并分享了一些食客指南。


Communication is imperative, says Tsai, and it includes a call to the restaurant manager, even if (and you definitely should) you've made notes in a reservation app. This gives you an initial read of how the restaurant is going to treat the restriction. "Are they rolling their eyes on the other side of that phone? Like '哦,不是另一个食物过敏的人vwin德赢ac米兰', or are they really sincere,'没问题,我们的油炸锅不含贝类?'" Their reaction should determine if you're going to go there or not.


It's also a good idea to, like him, have cards printed to give directly to the chef, in multiple languages even, so there is no gap in communication or doubt about what's at stake. And if the allergy is life-threatening, don't sugarcoat it. "When you use the word 'death' or another that's really severe, people will take notice," says Tsai. "If it is life threatening, say it, and it will get attention."

Behind the Scenes

世界上没有餐厅想让您生病,但是对于厨房如何处理各种情况有很大不同的协议。Tsai和2014 F&W最佳新厨师Mike Gulotta五月和MoPho在新奥尔良,敦促食客说实话。

When someone has an aversion, restriction, or intolerance, many dishes can be adapted on the fly with the substitution or omission of a garnish, sauce, or another component. "We go through training with our cooks, because we have specific dishes set up for people with dietary restrictions: This person can have this dish, since we know we can easily remove the gluten or dairy. We have our servers steer people toward certain dishes that we know we can do quickly and efficiently," says Gulotta.

"If you're at a restaurant that's really trying to please you, you can crash the kitchen because we want to make you happy. I will burn a whole cook to make you a specific dish." But if he walks out into the dining room and sees the allegedly allergic person nabbing forkfuls of someone else's, say, dairy-laden dish, he, his team, and other diners are the ones who get burned because it erodes trust, and may make things harder down the line for people with real issues.


Key Terms


Physical reactions to food are common, but may call for different protocol from the staff. An allergy means a food triggers an immune system response from multiple organs, with reactions that range from mild to severe or even fatal. An intolerance may be quite unpleasant (digestive issues, headaches, and joint pain, for example) and should be respected, but the stakes are different.




There's something about this ingredient that you just don't like. Might be the smell, flavor, texture, sight, or the fact that it reminds you of your ex or your childhood bully. That's totally valid! But it's not an allergy.



By the Numbers

Food Allergy Research & Education (FARE)—a nonprofit organization dedicated to education, research, and advocacy—reports that85 million Americansare impacted by food allergies, and that32 millionof them deal with potentially life-threatening conditions. The group also estimates thatevery three minutes,与食物vwin德赢ac米兰相关的反应使某人进入ER. MARNY食品可能会引起过敏反应,但这些反应九种过敏原are responsible for about90% of cases:牛奶,花生,树坚果,鸡蛋,大豆,小麦,贝类,鱼和芝麻。