How a former skateboard kid went from working at Yoshinoya to becoming one of the city’s most promising chefs.

Let's say it's 8 a.m. on a weekday in Los Angeles. You have things to do, but you need a pick-me-up before anything productive can happen. Groggy and hungry, you drive toMilpa Grille在博伊尔高地,那里Macheen厨师乔纳森·佩雷斯(Jonathan Perez)正在每周五日外卖弹出式炸玉米饼和早餐墨西哥卷饼。您订购了一个巨大的Birria墨西哥卷饼,价格为10美元,足够大,可以吃两顿饭。

你咬一口。枕头炒鸡蛋,脆脆的辣椒粉碎的小鸡蛋和嫩嫩的炖牛肉比任何杯子咖啡都多。(Milpa Grille也有好咖啡。)就像那样,您已经完全清醒了。

Credit: Courtesy of Macheen

这位30岁的危地梅拉裔美国人厨师服务的壮观birria是基于他母亲的食谱。用于包括Guajillo和California Chiles,大蒜,丁香,贝叶,贝叶和墨西哥啤酒,Perez烤骨头和Degl​​azes的股票红酒。vwin德赢ac米兰他为Birria Burrito提供服务,其中还包括瑞士奶酪和Chipotle Aioli和Guajillo Demi-Glace,因为他是一位才华横溢的新学校Taquero,他了解洛杉矶的食物是关于在不同世界之间弹跳的。vwin德赢ac米兰

So along with Macheen's bestselling birria and pork belly breakfast burritos, Perez also makes longanisa breakfast burritos because he's enjoyed the Filipino sausage at fast-food chainJollibee。He serves dashi-braised chicken tacos that he tops with pomegranate seeds. He puts salsa macha, mango relish, and citrus slaw on oyster tacos. He's got a Brussel sprouts breakfast burrito.

乔纳森·佩雷斯(Jonathan Perez)
Credit: Courtesy of Macheen


Perez had been working at the Japanese rice bowl chain Yoshinoya prior to the car wreck. After the accident, he went to a café in Torrance and inquired about a job. The general manager scoffed when he saw Yoshinoya on Perez's résumé. The GM even brought another manager over, so they could both smirk at the audacity of this kid who thought that his fast-food experience meant something.

Perez told them he was willing to start at the bottom. He had spent almost eight months washing rice at Yoshinoya, where he also had to prep chicken and cut vegetables before he was allowed to grill anything. He told the managers of the Torrance café that he would wash dishes. They told him to leave and go back to making快餐vwin德赢ac米兰


Credit: Courtesy of Macheen

佩雷斯参加勒蓝绶带的烹饪,那ol. After getting his diploma, he cooked with classic French techniques at the L'Ermitage hotel in Beverly Hills and L'Epicerie Market in Culver City. He had graduated from fast food and chain restaurants, but then he decided to do something that really manifested his future as L.A.'s breakfast-burrito sensation. He got a job at IHOP because he wanted to learn how to cook eggs perfectly.


Macheen于2016年出生于Taco ExpertBill Esparza'sTacolandia festival. Perez is quick to credit Esparza and the many other taco luminaries who have helped his career. He's driven by the rage he felt in Torrance, but he's just as driven by the gratitude he feels now. He had never cooked tacos professionally before Tacolandia, and he's fortunate that Esparza believed in him.

佩雷斯也感谢扎克·布鲁克斯(Zach Brooks)Smorgasburg,直到大流行期间食品市场关闭之前,Macheen是一家击败供应商。vwin德赢ac米兰他很幸运能与全球炸玉米饼成为朋友Esdras Ochoa,,,,who's cooked alongside him at events. He mentions writersJavier Cabral and Paolo Briseño González。Perez was helping Briseño González with a photo shoot for avwin德赢ac米兰食品和美酒vwin德赢ac米兰piece about tamales,,,,and she introduced him to somebody who could potentially change his life: Ana Odermatt, the general manager of恩里克·奥尔维拉(Enrique Olvera)达米安(Damian)和迪特罗伊特(Ditroit)问佩雷斯(Perez)是否正在寻找工作,并鼓励他发送简历。她以前吃过他的炸玉米饼并认出了他的才华。

Credit: Courtesy of Macheen


Macheen培养了一大批追随者。佩雷斯(Perez)在帕萨迪纳(Pasadena)的现代墨西哥餐厅大师中弹出了弹出窗口。在与La Jolla的Galaxy Taco的厨师Christine Rivera成为朋友之后,他学到了很多有关玉米饼的知识。(在大流行之前,佩雷斯经常开车两个小时来捡起玉米饼,这些玉米饼注入了痣,辣椒,蔬菜,草药,甚至是鱿鱼墨水。)他相信自己的食物很美味,有着独特的观点。vwin德赢ac米兰过去的五月,马赫恩赢了Taco Madness,这是一场享有声望的括号风格的人的选择比赛,以前是像这样的重量级人物Mexicali Taco & Co.,,,,游击队炸玉米饼,,,,andSonoratown


