
Credit: Clay Williams

When Omar Tate serves茄子,他不仅仅是呈现紫色蔬菜,切成紫色和烤和镀层。对于厨师和诗人,准备任何类型的食物更加周到。vwin德赢ac米兰“我觉得我的手正在触摸曾经活着的东西,并将它放入别人的生活身上,”他说。“这不仅仅是茄子。这是一次种子。“

泰特recognized early in his culinary career that "chefs have a social responsibility, period," he says. "Ever since my first day in the kitchen.”

现在,泰特正在绘制该意识形态,以规划他的第一架砂浆空间。厨师正在改变金银花, his acclaimed pop-up dinner series dedicated to exploring Black culture and history, into a community center for his West Philadelphia neighborhood. (HisGofundme为该项目has raised $63,000 so far.)

去年10月,塔特举办了他的晚餐系列,从顶层屋栖息在纽约市金融区华尔街上面。提前售罄六个月,售票处,多道路晚餐通过每种精心准备的菜肴讲述了有意义的故事。2017年在2017年建立金银花的厨师 - 在餐馆工作的花费之后,包括Fork和赤褐色在费城和A Voce在纽约 - 作为一种带来生活的方式,在那个世界中失踪了他所看到的东西。

“Honeysuckle pretty much came about by me just noticing the lack of seeing myself and things that represented myself in the food industry,” he says. “From European-focused restaurants to Black-owned and Black-focused restaurants, I wasn't seeing my experience articulated on a plate or things that I found important, personally, represented on plates.”


“我值列表e doing the [dinner series] pop-up, and I'll do it again, the rigor of putting together theater every night isn't happening right now because of the pandemic,” Tate says. “So I got to strip everything down and then make it about the food and philosophy again.”


While prompting him to reimagine his dinner series, the pandemic also accelerated Tate’s dream of opening a brick-and-mortar space in his hometown. Following in his grandfather’s footsteps, the chef recently announced his plans for Honeysuckle community center—which will include a supper club, grocery shop, meat market, and café library—viaGofundme.

Though he considered New York as a homebase, Tate ultimately decided the center would be more impactful in Philadelphia, surrounded by his family and servicing the Mantua neighborhood where his mom lives.



“I want to be able to walk into my supermarket and get high quality food, I want to be able to go into a coffee shop in my neighborhood, where it’s beautiful and people are respected,” he says. “It's all the things that I've desired for myself, that I'm just trying to bring to people, because we all desire respect, and dignity, and cleanliness.”

泰特’s new center aims to be more than a place to buy food; it aims to be a place that will nourish the community. Beyond that, it feels especially timely, when the restaurant industry is facing an identity crisis prompted by both a global pandemic and a long-overdue reckoning with racism that pervades society writ large, and more specifically, pervades restaurant kitchen culture. Tate’s Honeysuckle has evolved from fine-dining dinner series to pop-up takeout, and is still evolving, it seems, to redefine the very notion of a restaurant. In Tate’s vision, it returns to its roots, a restorative place to welcome and serve the community.

他指出,“看着什么餐馆是富人的平台和剧院,”他指出。“他们已经远离了它的人性。所以我猜是关于我对餐馆的未来是什么,我更有关自己 - 什么是食物空间?vwin德赢ac米兰餐厅的一部分是恢复正在进入的人的心灵身体灵魂精神。“

Besides building its physical elements, Tate has more intangible hopes for the community center. “I want it to be a space of pride, an example of what's possible,” he says, noting that currently, some people see the neighborhood as, “not a viable place, or a place that needs to be frontiered.” He also wants the center to be open for decades, where not only Honeysuckle flourishes, but other entrepreneurial endeavors can flourish too.

The project is an ambitious one, but Tate says it’s something he already knows.
