“We believe that there should be Indigenous restaurants everywhere because no matter where, we’re on Indigenous land,” says Sherman, who just opened Owamni in Minneapolis.
Chef Sean Sherman in the kitchen
Credit: Heidi Ehalt

For centuries, Indigenous people came from near and far to give birth on an island teeming with spruce trees and bald eagles in the middle of the Mississippi River. The sacred power of the surrounding Owámniyomni, cascading waterfalls carved out by glaciers more than 12,000 years ago, drew them to Spirit Island, located near present-day downtown明尼阿波利斯。在整个19世纪的石灰石收获时啃了,并最终在1960年爆炸,为现在退役的锁和大坝来说,殖民主义在很大程度上抹去了神圣的网站的本土文化 - 直到现在。

Owamni,厨师肖恩·谢尔曼的第一家砖和迫击炮餐厅,正在将土着食品和文化带回河岸。vwin德赢ac米兰在曾经是Minnesota第一个日本餐厅的地方的位置,215座概念是周围的三英亩的皇冠宝石Water Works park project—an effort to bring the Owámniyomni's Indigenous history back to the forefront. The park's event spaces will eventually host Dakota language classes while its expansive green lawns will be dotted with placards that explain, in both English and Dakota, the culinary, nutritional, and medicinal uses of the plants that comprise the park.

"For Indigenous people who went through intense assimilation, we lost a lot of our food culture," Sherman says. "But we're at a point now where we can reclaim it and evolve it for the next generation. To be able to share culture through food will be really healing."

Owamni Restaurant exterior sign
Credit: Heidi Ehalt

Owamni's offerings are designed to do exactly that. Featuring Indigenous dishes and ingredients like wild rice from Minnesota to nixtamalized corn from Mexico and beyond, colonial ingredients like wheat flour, sugar, pork, and chicken won't be on the menu. "There's lots of shareable plates for people to try a lot of things, there's a lot of completely plant-based items," Sherman says of the food, which naturally lends itself to several vegan offerings.


Year-round, the restaurant will be supplied with ingredients and products from Sherman's土着食品实验室vwin德赢ac米兰是一项非营利性努力,致力于通过增加对土着食物的获得来扭转殖民主义的损害。vwin德赢ac米兰“更大的目标是最终成长土着食品实验室,以便我们可以帮助培训,教育和支持土着厨房在美国,”谢尔曼补充道。vwin德赢ac米兰

Owamni Bison Entree


The duo was determined to be intentional about who they were giving a platform to and whose stories they were telling, but it turned out to be challenging. "It was a real learning experience about how difficult this is," Thompson says. "Turns out, the beer and wine industry is lily white."

By leaning hard on progressive distributors and sourcing from Mexico, South Africa, and New Zealand, they were able to secure a mostly Indigenous wine list. On the beer side, Sherman and Thompson have excitedly teamed up with La Doña Cervecería, a Latinx craft brewery in Minneapolis.

Credit: Heidi Ehalt


Owamni is under four miles from the intersection where George Floyd was murdered. "We had the intensity of the uprising last year that's still going on as we speak in Uptown," Thompson says, referring to the protests that broke out in the neighborhood where police shot and killed yet another Black man,温斯顿史密斯, in early June. "I think Minneapolis is a real place for the revolution to take hold. Racism is real and we're willing to point our finger at it and try to raise awareness about that and the erasure of Indigenous people throughout North America."

Owamni vwin德赢ac米兰Restaurant的电镀食品
Credit: Heidi Ehalt

"We believe that there should be Indigenous restaurants everywhere because no matter where, we're on Indigenous land," Sherman says. Owamni will "help showcase further how Indigenous food fits into the American scene," he says. "You can't tell the story of American food while dismissing the Indigenous history of it all."