
The Finishing Gourmet,一个新的虚拟牛排屋在计划今年在全国范围内扩展的洛杉矶,为您最终提供微波炉的热情替代品提供了优雅的替代品,而无需大量的餐具套件所需的大量准备。vwin德赢ac米兰

他们的牛排,包括Snake River Farms Wagyu(like a 12-ounce, $139 rib cap) and Idaho beef (like a 39-ounce, $139 cowboy rib eye) are perfectly cooked and calibrated so that you can finish them at home in five minutes or less. The result is a sear that adds an exclamation point to a blowout dinner. You get the sizzle and the steak.

The Finishing Gourmet
图片来源:约翰·特洛克斯(John Troxell)


美食餐点的介绍,可用于取货和送货,唤起了美食牛排馆吃饭的经验。陶瓷碗中供应出色的虾鸡尾酒和楔形沙拉,如冰淇淋的发酵剂。热的配菜,例如顶端和深厚美味的意大利乳清干酪Tortellini Mac and-cheese,搭配精美的玻璃罐。订购奶油布丁,您会得到厨师的火炬。

The Finishing Gourmet
图片来源:约翰·特洛克斯(John Troxell)

Founder/CEO Paul Abramowitz (a serial entrepreneur who, fun fact, created the clear silicone baby-bottle nipple) ensured The Finishing Gourmet has a patent-pending "hot-cold delivery system," so everything arrives at the proper temperature. Without the fixed costs of a "legacy restaurant," like real estate and front-of-the-house staff, Abramowitz says he can focus his resources on creating a better takeout experience that doesn't involve packing expensive food into deli containers, plastic clamshells, or flimsy paper boxes.

"The biggest challenge I saw was that food arrived cold and didn't taste like it did in the restaurant," Abramowitz said of his pandemic takeout experience. "And that really created the thought that there must be a way to provide an incredible dining experience at home."

艾布拉莫维茨(Abramowitz)招募了行政厨师/合伙人罗伯特·苏拉蒂克(Robert Sulatycky),他在52天内提出了82种食谱,并开发了烹饪和包装技术,以获得适当的“家里餐厅”体验。一个目标是创建半小时旅行后不会降解的食物。尤文图 德赢vwin德赢ac米兰

Sulatcky,aBocuse d'Or竞争对手和教练在多伦多和芝加哥的四个季节酒店经营厨房,一直从洛杉矶的摇滚兄弟和加利福尼亚州荷斯坦专家等本地供应商那里购买肉Flannery Beef

The Finishing Gourmet
图片来源:约翰·特洛克斯(John Troxell)

"I'm a firm believer in using only the very best ingredients, and I will stop at nothing to find them and utilize them," said Sulatcky, who mentions Chino farm eggs, Eli's Bee honey, Straus butter, and The Chef's Garden vegetables as examples. "Our job is not to really fuss over them but just to prepare them perfectly and present them simply and artfully."

This isn't about being avant-garde. It's about playing the classics. But enjoying these steaks and sides at home feels like a new kind of experience, one that works well for special-occasion meals (with add-ons like caviar, truffles, and lobster) while also pleasing steak lovers who used to visit Cut or Mastro's once a week before the pandemic hit.

全国其他厨师正在为家庭食客复制牛排馆的精神。在芝加哥,厨师乔什·卡特(Josh Katt)kitchfix最近公开了住宿牛排馆,旨在以“负担得起的价格”为牛排馆质量外卖。两只草的肋眼是$ 49。

In New York, scene-making restaurantCatch Steak有厨师在家牛排盒,可用于拾音器,交货和全国运输。这些盒子为四到六人提供食物,并提供从鱼片到deckle的切割,并配有海盐混合物,胡椒混合物,混合油,特殊调味料和肉类温度计。

The Finishing Gourmet
图片来源:约翰·特洛克斯(John Troxell)

其他厨师牛排选项包括来自First Light Steak Club。Flannery Beef (which has supplied Michelin-starred restaurants run by大卫·金奇(David Kinch),,,,Joshua Skenes, 和Kevin Meehan) ships nationwide via戈德贝利。旧金山厨师马克·齐默尔曼(Marc Zimmerman)Gozu有一个beef-distribution business,A五肉,这在全国范围内运行。在圣地亚哥,厨师史蒂夫·布朗的新Swagyu Chop Shop有Wagyu捆绑包和晚餐套件可供外观和送货。

如果您在洛杉矶,并且不想做饭或自己完成牛排,则在Brentwood Steakhouse厨师Travis Strickland的外卖菜单巴塔尔has crowdpleasers like a dry-aged bone-in Flannery porterhouse. The city, in fact, is loaded with to-go steakhouse experiences that also include butcher boxes at Curtis Stone's格温and prix-fixe meals at Josiah Citrin's木炭。There's also the revival of former Frank Sinatra hangoutDear John's,,,,where Citrin and Hans and Patti Rockenwagner turn back the clock with steak Diane, a classic Caesar salad, and creamed corn.


“我们已经吸引了回头客,” Sulatcky说。“我们希望借鉴那个喜欢定期在牛排馆用餐的人群。”