


Microwave Eggplant with Scallion-Chile Crisp Oil
来自Andrea Nguyen的这种微波茄子配方要求预先腌制和紧张夜间的常规大惊小怪。毫不费力地烹饪微波炉中的整个茄子,均匀地,并迅速烹饪它的肉体到柔软,柔滑的温柔,同时保留其富含抗氧化的皮肤。切成厚切片并淋上大量的美味酱油,微波茄子是一个简单且美味的配菜,在20分钟平2分钟。在微波炉之前,请务必在茄子上挖掘孔,以防止它爆炸。
Rating: Unrated 2
焙烧茄子直到它是奶油和牛奶乳膏,使其成为富含莫萨卡的丰富,肉酱的完美基础,这些味酱含有丰富的乳清干酪和马苏里拉奶酪,代替Béchamel酱。如果茄子切片翻转时,请不要担心;它们将在剩余时间内继续释放水分。加利福尼亚州萨克拉门托WM餐厅的Beverage Director伊丽莎白·玫瑰曼大哥堡挑选了一个完美的葡萄酒配对,为这类舒适的菜肴搭配葡萄酒配对:“去参加这道菜的赤庭赛索维尼翁和Agiorgitiko混合;梅vwin德赢ac米兰花和樱桃笔记和葡萄酒平衡中的温暖香料茄子和羊羔的丰富性。“
Isa Chandra Moskowitz,厨师和纽约的现代爱的主人,分享了这款素食Braciola的食谱,其中Jammy,Tamari-Roasted Eggplant的Umami-Laden Plank填充了扁豆,核桃和菠菜。整件事人在一个Marinara游泳池供应素食主义者瑞典岛。虽然茄子烘烤融化,填充物保留了一个肉质和令人满意的咬伤。
Similar in texture to ground beef with a rich, meaty flavor, plant-based crumbles are a perfect addition to quick-cooking stir-fries. Here, the eggplant and zucchini cook quickly, absorbing plenty of flavor from the chile-garlic and soy sauces, without getting overly tender. Fresh cilantro adds an extra pop of freshness to the finished stir-fry; serve over brown or white rice for a fast and filling weeknight meal.
一系列罐装整个剥皮的西红柿和番茄酱会产生完美的丝质,但仍然是酱汁的块状。Pomodori pellati西红柿是手工去皮,播种,并在高峰季节用盐和罗勒加工,捕捉成熟,甜蜜的酸性味道。


Rating: Unrated 1
厨师乔ogrodnek(BNC class of 2014) pulls out all the stops with this next-level eggplant dish. First he seasons the eggplant and lets it sit before charring on the grill to draw out moisture and add flavor from the inside out. Then he adds plenty of crispy-crunchy texture to the silky grilled eggplant by stuffing each one with peanuts, fried shallots and garlic, fresh herbs, onions, and radishes before drizzling the punchy dressing on top. Delicious hot or room temperature, they’re perfect for your next summer cookout. Be sure to using hot water in the dressing to help dissolve the sweet, floral coconut palm sugar.有关的: 更多茄子食谱
烧焦的茄子Burrata和Pomegranate-Walnut Relish
As a thirty-something eager to discover the exoticism of the land where East meets West, I visited Turkey on a trip that would irrevocably change the way I think about flavor. Somewhere between the grand bazaars of Istanbul and the bougainvillea-lined streets of Kas, a small seaside town on Turkey’s southwesternMediterranean海岸,我沉重地爱上了这个国家 - 所有茄子菜肴。土耳其的素食食品是轻盈的,热闹的,珍惜香料,并用色彩爆裂。vwin德赢ac米兰蔬菜是土耳其梅泽的标题法,开胃菜的小盘在每餐开始时分享。有Cacik,与酸奶,大蒜和薄荷混合的地面黄瓜;Dolma,葡萄叶塞满了米饭;Zeytinyağlıtabyfasulye,绿豆在番茄,橄榄油,大蒜和洋葱煮熟;和muhammara,辛辣的红辣椒和核桃蘸。但它是丝绸茄子魅力,在我的内存中最亮的魅力.GPlant是土耳其美食和文化的核心;甚至有一个民俗的故事,在奥斯曼伊斯坦布尔期间讲述了一个时间,因为许多房子由于尝试不成功地炒茄子而被烧毁。今天,炒茄子仍然是一个夏令。事实上,土耳其美食中有无数的茄子菜肴,都是美妙的加香料和不可抗拒的芳香。 A few of my favorites include patlican salatası, a smoky grilled eggplant similar to baba ghanoush; şakşuka, an eggplant and tomato stew; and imam bayildi, a famous dish of eggplant stuffed with tomatoes, onions, and garlic.This elegant salad is an emphatic nod to the celebratory eggplant dishes of Turkey. Velvety eggplant is paired with a tart-yet-earthy relish of toasted walnuts, cilantro, and pomegranate seeds. Toasting the walnuts brings out their full nutty, slightly bitter character, which plays well against the bright pomegranate seeds, which provide fresh bursts of juice and sweetness. Theburrata为这道菜带来肆无忌惮的颓废,为茄子和津津乐道提供渗出的奶油背景。如果Burrata不是你的事(虽然诚实地,但不是什么?)或者你找不到任何东西,还有很多替代方案。您可以选择新鲜的马苏里拉,慷慨刷新的富希腊酸奶或乳清干酪,几个山羊奶酪的斑点,或者唐丽的山羊的玩偶。对于那些寻找乳制品选择的人来说,您可以使用腰果奶油享受它,或者对于肉欲的替代品,请在碾碎的小麦或糙米的床上。当天气温暖时,烧烤茄子甚至更深的烟熏味。关于茄子的注意事项:Eggplant或者茄子,因为它在英格兰和欧洲是众所周知的,是夜间家族的成员,也包括西红柿,辣椒和土豆。许多家庭厨师询问如何选择最好的茄子,因为它们的尺寸和肤色都如此多。一般来说,选择具有光滑,闪亮的皮肤的茄子,其颜色均匀,沉重,尺寸均匀。通过轻轻按压手指对皮肤轻轻按压 - 如果它留下压印,则茄子是成熟的。较小的茄子往往具有较少的种子,因此,较少的苦味。绿色茎是茄子成熟的良好指标。
Provençal茄子 - 番茄焗

Frank Stitt, owner of Highlands Bar & Grill in Birmingham, Alabama, started his culinary education by working for the late great cookbook author Richard Olney in Provence, France. This recipe, in which ripe summer tomatoes and eggplant are roasted with herbs and olives, is part of a dinner party inspired by Olney’s love of great wine and seasonal produce. Stitt suggest serving this dish with a bottle of 2000 Domaine Tempier Bandol Rouge – the owners were close friends of Olney’s, and their wines represent the arid, aromatic landscape of Provence. This dish is adapted from a recipe which appeared in one of Olney’s cookbooks “The Good Cook: Vegetables”. It is a rustic French side, so flavor counts more than presentation here – be sure to salt your eggplant and tomatoes 30 minutes ahead of time for optimal flavor.