The group aims to provide direct channels of support to BIPOC pursuing careers in wine, while holding the industry accountable for its lack of diversity.
portrait of Natural Action Wine Club team
Credit: Mark Velasquez

Like most of the world, friends and business partners Teron Stevenson and Khalil Kinsey watched in disbelief as Minneapolis police officers killed George Floyd. Simonne Mitchelson and Justin Trabue were also heartbroken. The hurt was compounded by the deafening silence from the industry they both worked in and loved. Unwilling to remain silent, Mitchelson and Trabue used their voices as Black women to write an open letter addressing the longstanding microaggressions and racism rooted in thewine industry.

Eric Bach, founder of LA-based Good Boy Wine, felt compelled to step up, too. He reached out to Cameron and Marlen Porter, husband-and-wife winemakers and owners of Santa Maria's Amplify Wines, in hopes of assembling a team to address the issue directly. Cam contacted Kinsey, a general manager and curator of the Kinsey African American Art & History Collection, and Stevenson, a partner in two Los Angeles-area wine bars, the Friend and the Little Friend. Mitchelson, Trabue, and Katie Workinger, a movie costumer and intern at Good Boy Wine, rounded out the group.

"We all got on a Zoom call, became fast friends, and had a brainstorming session," recalls Stevenson. "We agreed that we wanted to do more than just hand over a donation to Black Lives Matter."

他们wanted to hold the wine industry accountable for the lack of diversity and equality given to people of color. More conversations ensued, and last June, the group launched the non-profit startup,天然动作葡萄酒俱乐部vwin德赢ac米兰(NAWC), that combines their love for天然葡萄酒vwin德赢ac米兰并渴望促进行业多样性。


NAWC Members receive four exclusive bottles of wine on a quarterly basis from four unique natural winemakers, at an annual cost of $600. The shipments generally arrive in April, June, September, and November, and the proceeds go towards education, internships, and career support for BIPOC interested in the wine industry. The startup is also answering the need for a broader awareness and appreciation of African American history, art, culture, contribution, and achievement through a partnership with the Kinsey Art Collection.

史蒂文森说:“哈利勒和金西一家的参与不仅为我们为瓶子的标签提供了美丽的艺术,而且也很重要,因为它在艺术和历史世界中带来了丰富的知识,以及与我们的订户分享的历史教育时刻。”哈利勒补充说:“就职典礼上的标签上以塞缪尔·邓森(Samuel L. Dunson)的艺术为特色,名为“耕种者”,这是我们所感觉到的这件作品,它完全代表了自然行动和我们的教育方法。”

Their impact is already making a difference. Trabue, an assistant winemaker at Heitz Cellar, will have an eponymous Grenache, Syrah, Mourvèdre blend debut in NAWC's upcoming shipment. And a BIPOC scholarship that Mitchelson (who is South Coast Estate manager a Jackson Family Wines) created at Trabue's alma mater, Cal Poly San Luis Obispo's College of Agriculture, Food and Environmental Sciences, has already identified its first recipient. The group is also in talks to partner with international winemakers, and they're eyeing historically black colleges and universities (HBCUs) to bring them into the wine world.

"Scholarship, internship, and job opportunities are wonderful, but our goal is to take it even further than that. We are on a mission to create wine owners," says Stevenson, who co-founded the Westside Winos collective with Kinsey. "That's where real equity lives."

有关自然动作的更多信息vwin德赢ac米兰葡萄酒俱乐部, or to become a winemaker partner,