The Way We Buy Wine Now

How online wine shopping (and learning!) is finally taking over.

In the online I-want-it-now world, you can get almost anything you want any time you want. Push a button, fill out a form, and there at your door are dish towels and diamonds (4.1 carats, $75,960, yours on Amazon), cat food and caviar and chopsticks (why not LED light-saber ones, while you're at it?). I needed some touch-up paint for my car not long ago: It came to me second-day from Russia. Feeling bored and lonely? A virtual friend on might help. Just feeling straight-up weird? Overnight yourself a Brazilian rainbow boa constrictor from, and throw in some frozen mice for good measure. But surprisingly, when it comes to "almost anything," one of the few things that can actually be hard to get online is wine.

学分:西蒙·布莱德林(Simon Landrein)的插图


但是,千禧一代作为葡萄酒商的兴起一直在逐渐加速在线葡萄酒,而大vwin德赢ac米兰流行则增加了喷气燃料。考虑一下Wine.vwin德赢ac米兰com,可能是该国主要的在线葡萄酒销售商,在2020年增长了119%。“在锁定期间有几天我们的增长甚至400%或500%,” Wine.com的创始人Michael Osborn,”说。这些数字不可持续,但确实增加了奥斯本已经看到的转变。奥斯本说:“家庭制造设备,这是一种时尚。”“当人们被困时,他们开始烘烤酸面团或制作酸奶。但是,在过去的五年中,我们每年都在从基本上是一个平坦的类别中增长15%。”

本质上,2020年的副作用是,更多的人意识到他们可以在网上购买葡萄酒 - 通过Wine.com等零售商,通过Minibar或Drizly等酒精送货公司(后者刚刚被Uber购买的价格高达1.1美元)vwin德赢ac米兰十亿美元,去年看到350%的增长后,或直接来自酿酒厂。vwin德赢ac米兰作为Gary Fisch的加里的葡萄酒和vwin德赢ac米兰市场在新泽西州和纳帕山谷(Napa Valley)经营商店的,他指出:“去年春季,我们从2,000个移动应用程序用户上升到两周内的30,000多个。”在发现加里(Gary's)这样的应用程序的便利性之后,大多数人都坚持使用它们。奥斯本说:“我们的移动应用程序经常是我们的业务一半。千禧一代(在2020年占新客户的44%)更有可能使用其应用程序进行购买。”





学分:西蒙·布莱德林(Simon Landrein)的插图

过去有两种葡萄酒俱乐部。vwin德赢ac米兰当您爱上特定的酿酒厂时,您参加了纳帕的第一次旅行。vwin德赢ac米兰您加入的第二秒是因为有人打了一个广告,上面写着“ 12葡萄酒,只需$ 85!”vwin德赢ac米兰似乎(当时,现在您开始怀疑……)是一个好主意。

真相is that winery-specific clubs are great if you真的爱那个生产商的葡萄vwin德赢ac米兰酒。其他大型俱乐部主要是散装的葡萄酒,上面刻有化妆名称 - 您在初始报价中以4美元购买的“Cvwin德赢ac米兰hâteauBec de Canard”确实是“Château”,我们有一个50,000加仑的果汁罐来摆脱“有些营销人员在幻想的名字上打了一个奇特的名字。

But the new world of wine clubs is more focused and honestly more exciting. Love natural wines? Want to dive deep into a specific region? Keen to have the最好的葡萄vwin德赢ac米兰酒bar in Rome curate a selection for you? It's all possible. Here are some of my favorites.


Rimessa Roscioli是罗马中心的顶级葡萄vwin德赢ac米兰酒目的地 - 现在有一个俱乐部,美国葡萄酒爱好者可以加入。出色的,难以找到的选择,例如精品制作人Scarzello的精致的Langhe Nebbiolo,以及访问酿酒师视频和在线葡萄酒社区的访问,使这个俱乐部与众不同。德赢尤文图斯vwin德赢ac米兰六瓶213美元,包括运输,rosciolivwin德赢ac米兰


橙葡萄酒vwin德赢ac米兰(or skin-contact white wines) have become more and more popular in recent years but can be tough to find at your local store. New York–based sommelier Doreen Winkler decided to solve this problem with her Orange Glouwine club. She says, "I'm able to snatch up sought-after orange wines and mix them up with great new producers I've just discovered."每月三瓶105美元,


侍酒师和葡萄酒教育家查·麦考vwin德赢ac米兰伊(Cha McCoy)的旅行主题葡萄酒俱乐部不仅提尤文图 德赢供葡萄酒。托斯卡纳最近的一项产品包括华丽的2019 Costa Toscana bianco di Ampeleia,麦考伊(McCoy)指导的在线品尝的折扣以及餐厅和酒庄的推荐;vwin德赢ac米兰法国航班以南的飞机上有马赛当地人的虚拟烹饪演示。$208 for six bottles,


The Santa Cruz Mountains region produces superb Pinots, Chardonnays, and Cabernets, but its small-production wines can be hard to find in stores. The region's new club offers shipments three times per yearwith wines from star producerssuch as Rhys, Ridge, and Thomas Fogarty, plus privatevirtual tastings.$140–$200 for four bottles,vwin德赢ac米兰

MYSA Natural Wine Club

Mysa精心挑选的瓶子为天然葡萄酒世界提供了很好的介绍:小型生产商,最少的干预,生物动力或有机农业,几乎没有硫酸盐。vwin德赢ac米兰俱乐部还捐赠了1%的销售额,以抵消运输葡萄酒的环境影响。vwin德赢ac米兰由创始人和侍酒德赢尤文图斯师霍莉·贝里根(Holly Berrigan)领导的指导视频品尝也提供了洞察力。$85 for three bottles,



illustration of wine bottle coming out of a mailbox
学分:西蒙·布莱德林(Simon Landrein)的插图


真相is that the wine-sales playing field is skewed against small producers. As Jamie Kutch, who makes spectacular single-vineyard Pinots in Sonoma County, says, "Trying to compete with bigger brands, and the incentives they give to wholesalers, is just impossible. None of us -- the little artisan boutiques -- would be here if we didn't sell wine direct."

The good thing is that wine-shipping laws have loosened over time, and these days only six states completely prohibit shipments from out-of-state wineries (Utah, Arkansas, Mississippi, Alabama, Delaware, and Rhode Island; check out Consider the excellent wineries to the right, recognize that there are hundreds more like them to discover, and know that the easiest -- and often the only -- way to get their wines is to go directly to the winery website.


2018索诺玛海岸别针ot Noir($39)

杰米·库奇(Jamie Kutch)为伟大的黑皮诺(Pinot)提供礼物。他的大多数葡萄酒都是单葡vwin德赢ac米兰萄园的努力,但是这种区域装瓶是对他的才华的绝佳介绍。它是精美的,带有烤面包的黑莓风味,以辛辣的边缘结尾。kutchvwin德赢ac米兰


2018 Yount Mill Vineyard Grenache($ 45)

Matt Naumann serves as the president for Dwyane Wade's Napa wine label, Wade Cellars, but to get Naumann's own wines, you have to go straight to the source. From a single acre of vines, this is Grenache at its silky, expressive best, crisp and bright with juicy red raspberry fruit.newfoundvwin德赢ac米兰



James Sparks' day job is making extremely good Chardonnay for Liquid Farm in the Santa Ynez Valley (also easiest to find direct at His other job is his own super-tiny Kings Carey label. This bottle is California Syrah that hearkens back to the northern Rhône, all cured meat, white pepper, and red plum

Relic Wine Cellars


Resic的顶级葡萄酒很vwin德赢ac米兰棒,但价格昂贵 - 其功能强大的Artefact Cabernet每瓶售价125美元。另一方面,酿酒师迈克尔·赫比(Michvwin德赢ac米兰ael Hirby)的更实惠的档案系列以更少的钱包价格提供了杰出的品质。这种花卉黑皮诺充满了扬樱桃的樱桃味,无法抗拒。relicvwin德赢ac米兰

Limerick Lane

2018 Katz Vineyard Zinfandel(62美元)

While it's true that Limerick Lane's basic Russian River Zinfandel can be found in stores, Jake Bilbro's many single-vineyard, old-vine Zinfandels are produced in tiny amounts. They are perennially superb -- this peppery, fragrant wine from the 109-year-old Katz vineyard is a fine example -- but to get them, definitely go